Soda Lab : Our Statements
In our laboratory we try to get closer to the future and try to observe what the gastronomic experience of tomorrow will be like. The process of design of the tablecloths is made under this premise, using elements of the past that we love and adapting them with affection to the new times, also the creation of the recipes and photographs of our kitchen laboratory. We know that some elements that are now common in design and architecture as well as gastronomy and food, in the future will become history or may even disappear, so we firmly believe that it is important to make good management, care and preserve what we have today. As well as assessing elements of the past that were and still are useful for everyone’s daily life. For this it is essential to create a lifestyle of respect for the environment and the natural resources we have and this is achieved by consuming responsibly and making decisions about what we should stop consuming.